Tuesday, October 30, 2007


After church on Sunday, we headed to Texas Roadhouse for lunch, presents & cake. Presley didn't waste any time opening presents! It's hard to believe that she is 2 years old already. Preston had fun being held by everyone and he enjoyed the ribbons & bows that were on the presents!

Presley is ready for the next one!

Presley said "I got you".

So, my Mom had her birthday on the 27th, Presley the 28th and Brandon & Preston have the same birthday on the 30th. Now that's a lot of birthday's!

It seemed to take her forever to open a present. I thought she would just rip the paper off, but she was very careful with her unwrapping!

Preston didn't want to rip the paper either!

It was time for cake and the candles scared Presley to death!

Preston was the one that we had to keep his hands away from the cake until the candles were blown out. After that, he had his hands in the icing as fast as he could and had icing on my clothes within seconds!

Believe it or not, the fun didn't stop here. After eating way too much food and cake, we all headed to Frankie's Fun Park. The kids played games, won lots of tickets and the big kids played laser tag! The highlight of the day was when everyone drove the go-karts. Presley wasn't quite tall enough to ride, but they let her ride anyway and she loved it. OK, you'll have to take my word for it about the fun park, because the slack Mama didn't take any pictures while we were there!

1 comment:

GG said...

Okay. I must be losing it. The dress Presley has on I bought a couple of weeks ago. When I saw the picture of her wearing it I kept asking myself when I had given it to her. (I had intented it to be a Christmas present.) Then I looked in the closet and it is still there. Guess someone else thought she'd look adorable in it! Now, I get to shop again!!